Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Episode 3: Paris Hilton and National Lampoon

Episode 3: Paris Hilton and National Lampoon - Click Here To Download.

Steve's Topics

1.Bigfoot or Bighoax??

Springtime For Paris! Is she a changed woman?

Pooper Scooper Pet Waste Removal

4.4) Immunizing Fetuses??

5.Wedding Plans: How much input should the groom-to-be have?

David's Topics

1.Pop Music's Most Painful Songs

2.FBO's! Should the Government Deny the Ranch?

3.National Lampoon: Making A Comeback?!?


RCKessler said...

Ok, ok. I'm going to break the blog silence with my reaction to the question of "how involved the groom should be in wedding plans." I just have to say, this whole myth that every little girl plans her wedding since she was five years old is crazy. Frankly, it is the reason we have this ridiculous wedding culture we have today where the wedding is built up as the bride's "special day" in which she is the princess and everything must be exactly as she wants it. I find that perspective annoying as a woman (as well as someone who got married a little less than a year ago). If couples could just work together on a wedding and see it as a celebration of their new joint life together, we could probably work past this stupid 'bridezilla' phenomenon, not to mention all the fights between brides and their mothers, or the way retailers bounce up the price $500 as soon as they hear the word "wedding." That's all I have to say about that.

Passafist said...

Wow...thanks Rachel for your comments! I'm going to share them on today's Episode of the Devil's ADvocate!!

Unknown said...

Hi guys, sorry for the delayed response to this episode but I’ve been a little busy lately.

By the way, love the show.

I just wanted to address something Steve said in this episode. When David asked him about how he would feel about giving money to lots of different religious organizations he hesitated and said something like (and I’m paraphrasing here): “I’ve looked into these other religions and found obvious flaws with them.” I have to bring up the fact that some people of any religion would say exactly the same thing if asked. EVERY religion has flaws. The reason people belong to the religion they do is usually attributed to either the religion of their parents or the religion of the people around them in general. Of course there are aberrations from this, but it seems to be the general trend. And I’m not trying to say that you aren’t justified in your beliefs, but all religions have reasons to believe with detailed principles of ethics and morals as well as inconsistencies, problems, and dark spots on their records.
