Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Episode 15: Where the Heck did Everybody Go?

Download Episode Here

David's Topics:

1)Man Sues God to prove our courts are full of idiots!

2)13-Year Old Model? Yes or No?

3)New Fall Season, what are you watching?

4)Can we ignore it? O.J. Again?

Steve's Topics:
1)High School's Built on Toxic Sites

2)PETA, Alicia Silverstone, and Frogs


Amanda from Georgia said...

Hi y'all! I do love your show and wish I could call in...but I am working or I'm in the car from 5-6 on Wednesdays. You guys have great insights.

As for new topics...hmmm....maybe you should talk finances...what about buying what you want versus using credit? Just an idea.

(I'm hoping to catch up on some old podcasts...so if you have talked about this before...just ignore me).

Anyway, keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

Hey guys! Sorry I missed out on the podcast this week, I was sick all night tuesday and wednesday morning, and even though i was feeling better by 5, I was still in no shape to debate. Although some might think that would lead to a MORE interesting podcast.

About the topics:

Suing God: Wouldn't the court first have to prove that a god (not to mention any specific God) exists in the first place before you could actually bring charges against it? It's like suing a leprechaun for not being able to find his pot of gold.

OJ: I put OJ in the same category as Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan like I said last week. Whenever I see them on the tube, I change the channel. I think OJ is acually worse because he's a murderer who got off and flaunts is like the sociopath he is.

High school on waste dump: as long as they've gone to extreme measures to make sure that the site is actually clean of any dangerous radiation I'm okay with it.

PETA: I am dead set against PETA for the exact reasions that David mentioned. I saw the same episode of BS. I'd like to bring up one more point that he didn't mention however. PETA has been linked to psychos who have bombed clinics where animals were kept. Supposedly they've financially supported their legal defense which is despicable.

13 year old model: meh, kid actors kid models whatever. It's the parents of those kids you really need to watch anyway.

TV: I didn't get to listen to the podcast until this afternoon so I missed Kid Nation, but I'm going to watch Chuck on Monday and I'll be ready to discuss on Wednesday.

Great show guys! I hope everyone is back next week as well as a bunch of new people!

Unknown said...
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