Sunday, October 21, 2007

Episode 20: Viva Global Warming

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The Fall TV Challenge

David's Show:

VIVA LAUGHLIN - watch full episodes here

Steve's Show

How I Met Your Motherwatch full episode here.

David's Topics:

1)The Noose Ban?!? How the heck do you enforce this thing?

2)Global Warming! Is the Fight Worth The Cost?

3)The Back Seat Toilet, Thank You Japan!

Steve's Topics:

1) Has America lost art of the story and given into mindless tales of horror and action?

2) Wedding Anniversaries: Who comes up with this stuff? Does anyone out there really celebrate their 5th or 6th Anniversary with wood??? And how many people do you know have been married for 90 Years!? And even if they were, why would you give them a gift made of granite???

3)Should Turkey attack Iraq?


Unknown said...

Best Episode Yet!!

Joseph Finchum said...

Hey guys long time no write...

I can not play the devils advocate either. Viva Laughlin was a disgrace to Television everywhere. It was horrable. I made it to the first song and hated the use of the real lyrics in the background. I was also amused by my knowledge of useless trivia... Elton John while filming the video for "I'm still standing" actually fell off the top of his piano and broke his ankle and could not walk for a long time. but overall, I thought the show was a huge dissapointment.

How I met your Mother on the other hand was really good. I really liked the graph bit, because I do things like that, and if I could bring up an actual graphic life would rock. Loved the fact that Bob Sagat was the narrator (took me a few minutes to figure out he was Ted) He is one of my Favorite comics... (rest in peace Mitch Headberg) and yes he is filthy in his comic genius. The interaction between the characters is solid even if this episode was half dominated by Blah Blah, but I can understand it as part of the formula. I was slightly offended (as I always am) by the sandwich bit, Not because of what they were insinuating, but because of their portrayal of stoners. I have known many and have been one (no shame here) and I have never met the Jeff Spicolli type stoner that is stupid and has no attention span. This is a myth and I want the Mythbusters to Bust it... lol ...This is a great show but as was said, it's on the Chuck Heroes (out a window?) night so It won't make my list.

America has not lost the ability to storytell, hollywood has. They cancel and trash whats good (Go Browncoats) and praise whats terrible (cavemen) It is the viewers choice and the viewers want to sit and veg out for an hour or to, and this is what makes these non-thinking shows succeed (George Lopez) in the long run. There are far too few people out there as cultured and open minded as we few (give credit to where this all started) LOST watchers. Plus there has always been mindless Drek out there to satisfy the masses, every movie that comes out makes $30,000,000 bucks... why, because the same stupid 3,870968 people see everything that comes out.

I don't understand why we Americans don't do more. The Hybrid prius can be modified to plug in hybrid and gets 100 mpg, Things like this drive me nuts. I saw an episode of the show "Cool fuel" which is all about electric or non-polluting travel. They had an Electric motorcycle that they at one point they charged at a very small wind generator. It took 1 1/2 hours to charge six battaries, twelve total for a time of 3 hours total. The bike runs on six at a time and can go for eight hours straight. If you put a small wind generator on the front of the bike it would become a perpetual motion machine that would charge itself. I also don't understand the big wind turbine things that are all white and don't work on a sunny windless day, has none of these scientist ever seen the gizmo that looks like a lightbulb, and in it there is a small fan like contraption that each blade is white on one side and black on the other. When the sun hits it the black side absorbing all the light and the white side reflecting (or vise versa) the light causes it to spin, combine the two actions so that when it is sunny without wind it would still spin. Make the Black sides out of solar panels and there is even more energy to be stored. Wind generators are fairly easy to construct (and much cheaper if done yourself, they can even be decorative) and can be put on the roof of any house. If every house had one or too (yes that would be expensive) alomg with a few solar panels and some Medaration in the consumption of the energy, we would never need fosil fuels. As to the Nuclear power plants, couldn't we put a bunch in the middle of no wheres land, wouldn't that squash some fears. I just don't get it. Look at Western Harbor in Malmo, Sweden which is an almost pure green town, we suck. Although I give credit to Google for what the did with their server farm, That is a move toward being green that other company's have started to adopt. They set the bar higher and other large company's are trying to jump it. This in the long run is good for everyone.

Yes, Turkey should be allowed to attack.

C-ya, and I guess I have to just go... lol