Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Episode 31

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The Celebrity Apprentice

The Biggest Loser

The Topics:

1.The Bionic Eyeball!?! Can we Rebuild it?

2. Let's Talk The Superbowl

3.Cloverfield: A Review

4.Let's Discuss Oscar Nominations

Steve's Topics:

1 Will Dave Take the Million Pound Match-Up Challenge?

2)Can you figure out what Tom Cruise is saying?

3) If you were an actor, would you be able to do an on screen kiss with someone who wasn't your spouse?

4) Who's your SuperBowl pick?

5)What TV show do you wanna see as a movie?

1 comment:

Joseph Finchum said...

Hey guys, long time no write.... again.

On the Heath Ledger thing, the sleeping pills they found were Ambien. Ambien is known to be highly addictive and they have a boomerang effect as well, so you take them until they don't work so people try to take more, which worksfor a while then they will actually start to keep you awake at night. So they take more until it effects the speed of the heart and it eventually stops.

The celebrity Apprentice is a complete result of the writers strike.

Breaking Bad was awsome. Think of it as weeds with Crystal meth and he is going to die. Since he is a chemistry teacher he makes grade A Meth. Breaking Bad means "The moment when you decide to stop being a good person and become a bad person, even if it is for the right reasons."
Well worth a watch.

Yeah Commercials, booooooooo Football. Sports are nothing more than Soap Operas for Men and wrestling is BAD soap operas for men.

The half time show are you kidding, It will be Tom Petty, but someone will come in half way through the song and ruin it... look at the Aerosmith (Great Band) with a boy band and Brittney Spears.... Ugh! That is what we can expect.

Cloverfield was great. It totally put you in the perspective of them. I agree that it is okay to blow up NY. I was one of those people who was offende by the fact that they were taking the Towers out of older movis, so they wouldn't upset people. Some movies that aired with out the Twin towers. Superman, Batteries not included, Wall Street ect...
When they are on the roof crossing back to the straight building . That is an almost full shot, as well as looking down from the helicopter. Those shots are good, campare that with the under shot from Hudson in the park just after and you can imagine what it might look like. There were photos of the 3-d model up if you googled it, but they were taken down, the little image still appears, but not what it was linked to... if you look for it it is the one with three rotated pics. That is the real deal. It appears to have two arm like legs, with a tail like leg as well and three or four different sized tentical like arms coming from its abdomen? section of its giant form.

I agree. As far as I can tell, Porn is the reason the computer truely exists. So if you had a computer in your eye, I bet alot of people will indeed be watching porn.
Hi I'm a Mac and I'm a PC and we can both get Porn... buy whichever.

Both the scientology and Christian speek... what???

Weel thats it for now.
