Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Episode 6: Keeping Kids out of Iraq

Episode 6

David's Topics

1.Kid Free Zone? or Just Deal With It?

2.IRAQ: Pull Out Now or Later?

Steve's Topics

1) Revirginization - Strike 1... Strike 2... Strike 3... ah, just keep going!

2) Michael Bay Ruined the Transformers! Nuff Said!

3) Magician, Reveal Thyself! Should Magicians revela the secrets to time-honered magic tricks?

Mike's Topic:

1) Thirty pounds overweight? That'll be thirty dollars, fatty! Coming Soon - The Fat Tax!


Joseph Finchum said...


I am sorry but I have to disagree with you on the Transformers movie. You say you are a fan, but you must be a fan of the cartoon only. Alot of the dialogue is straight from the first season of the cartoon, and the whole allspark seeking plot is from the comic books. Micheal Bay did exactly what they have always done with the transformers. They made it new and different, but still in the same fashion as the original.
There have always been stupid kids in the transformers series, so you had to expect everything with the kid. At least give him credit for not changing the family name ( Spike Witwiky.)

Dave I have to agree with "Lets lead the evil death dealing robots to the civilian area and the go up to a higher area to get away from the planes bits, that was a stupid thing to do.

Yes, Both Hotrod and Spike say $#!T in the original movie. Thats it Just two curses and really only one used twice.

Seriously, You went there to see a movie in which Robots come to Earth and Transform Into all kinds of human tech.

If they gave you the G1 series, you would have been dissappointed in the overall presentation. It doesn't live up to today. With all the controversey today over oil and energy, they couldn't do the whole energon quest first arc of the cartoon.

I got everything I expected from this movie. I loved the multi transforming fight between Starscream and the F-22 jets. The way they intergrated Soundwave, Laserbeak, Ravage, And Frenzy into one character. I thought it should have been soundwave, but hey Frenzy works as well. It was almost a effects packed Spielberg movie with Micheal Bay sitting around going... ohh oh... Blow that up!

My only real problem with the movie is this


Joseph Finchum said...

In the part about the fat people, you say that you think the Brit's live in a somewhat Domacracy...

As far as I knew they do...
We on the other hand do not... we have a Republic government, not Democratic, we use Demodratic principles, but we are still Republic.

And yes Cigarettes are the only product on the planet that advertises against itself and doesn't loose profits. I wrote a small paper on the subject once called "Selling Death."

On the sex thing, but everyones first time is a mistake. It never goes right and isn't what you made it in your head. Man or Woman.. it doesn't matter.
And you can't take a mulligan on that.

Yes, YES,YES Kid Free zones are great, my thought on this is simply this (and don't get me wrong, I love my Niece's) I am an adult and when I go out for the night which ever it be, to a movie or a bar (especially a bar) I don't want to see a child there.

There is no devils advocate on this issue.

Except for this. It's not that you can't find a babysitter... It's that for 70%+ of this country, if you want to go to a movie, you can no longer afford the babysitter.

And Emily, wouldn't an adult free zone have been nice at least once or twice. I know I could have used one here or there in my youth... lol

Unknown said...

Hi guys,

I like your podcasts, and am thinking about joining in live on "TDAP" but Talkshoe to me right now is like fire to Frankenstein. I went to the website and I'm still not really sure how it works and what I need to use it. But I'm still looking into it.

In regards to the last podcast (topic by topic):

I approve of child free zones. Sometimes adults just need time to themselves.

Iraq. This one's tough. I'm not 100% on either end. I don't think we should leave an open ended commitment, but I also don't think we should pull all of our troops out immediately right now. The problem I have with an open ended commitment is the question of how long are we willing to stay? Are we willing to leave our forces there for a decade? Two decades? It's obvious that the Middle East is super volatile. Even countries with established governments face problems with revolts and overthrows. So will Iraq ever truly stabilize? And at what point do we decide that Iraq is as stable as it's going to get? There may ALWAYS be argument there. I think that the real problem here is that many (not all, but many) predominantly Muslim countries don't want to have a government with no religious authority, or religious leadership who don’t have heavy influence on government policies. But anyway, back to topic:

I think we should begin drawing down the number of troops forcing Iraqi forces to step up. We need to help some kind of Iraqi intelligence agency that has counter terrorism training get on its feet. Unfortunately, there’s still too much infighting between different religious sects and militant groups (they’re like gangs basically). I have a feeling that no matter how long we stay (either leaving now or leaving in 20 years) there are going to be uprisings and power struggles after we leave.

Revirginization: People in America either truly have too much free time or are not paying attention to the things we should truly be worrying about. On the other hand, I know that there are still backwards cultures around that will actually kill a woman if she’s not a virgin when she gets married.

Transformers: I thought the movie caught the spirit of the characters very well. Yes there were several plot holes and I think the story centered too much around “Spike,” but for an origin story I thought it set the stage very well for sequels (yeah, I know it’s dumb having to look down the road like that but I guess that’s the way it is).

Magicians revealing secrets: I’ve learned that those “masked magician revealing secrets” shows aren’t as controversial as people think. I’ve read (on the internet, so take with a grain of salt) that those shows are only revealing archaic tricks that no one uses anymore, so nobody really cares. In regards to Pen and Teller, I think the moral they’re trying to impart is that people need to think critically when they encounter extraordinary claims. When they reveal their secrets it’s like they’re telling people: “Look, it’s easy to be fooled no matter who you are. Be wary of people who make over the top claims.”

Fat tax: The highest percentage of people consuming unhealthy food is the poorest class of people. So, I don’t like the idea of putting more strain on these people’s budgets. I think that our attention should really be focused on making healthier foods less expensive and educating less fortunate people on the importance of eating healthy balanced diets.

Wow, sorry for the loooong post.
