Monday, August 27, 2007

Episode 12: The Intellegently Designed Backpack Episode

Download the Episode Here

David's Topics:

1)Going back to school with a Bulletproof Backpack

2)Intellegent Design: The Movie

3)Heroes: I Just Don't Get It! Convince Me and NBC Send Me Season One on DVD

Steve's Topics:
1)Mozilla Firefox, MS Internet Explorer, or AOL Browser... what's your preference?

2)Global Warming Miscalculation! Uh oh!

Jason's Topic:

1)I guess the Drawing is Mightier Than the Gun


Joseph Finchum said...


The reason I like Heroes is because it tackles the genre of superheroes, but does it in a way that isn't, I have powers lets go do superhero things, it's more about how to deal with the fact that you suddenly have powers. This has never been done before, and this is why I am a fan... and yes the finale sucked.

I use Safari, because they just don't update IE for mac anymore, so I had to choose something that was faster and better.

"Going back to school with a Bulletproof Backpack"
Sounds like a new hit single by DethKlok... can't wait to here it.... lol

What the HE double hockey sticks is that. I could draw a better gun in my sleep... and probably have... lol

one of the hottest toys I can remember as a kid, having to do with guns, is the Entertech Rambo style guns. You had a mak-10, an UZI, and a Rocket Launcher. All were water pistols and we played with them in school. This Zero tolerance crap has gotten more out of control than being PC. I don't care if you call yourself a Waste Disposal Technitian.... you are a garbage man, and a sewardess, and usually an @$$hole.
I am a graphic Designer... not a Pop Advertisement fasilitator, but that is off the subject.
The thought about the knife... I once even dressed as a Ninja for Halloween and carried a real Sword in school and the only comment I got was, please leave that sheethed. Nothing about how I could kill another student, and I definitely was not suspended for it.

$175 dollars is a lot to spend on your childs life... I think you have your priorities backwards my friend. Run and hide.... yeah and when the next nuclear strike hits, make sure you get under your desk and cover your head... that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard you say. I agree with the other guy, if I lived there I would move, but with a 3 yr old Niece that I love more than I love myself... yes I wish I could get her one... just in case. If Police Dogs can have a vest why not my... or your child.

Global warming is a joke... I have to agree. It is a proven fact that as the Earth gets warmer, it will eventually get colder. It won't flood, it will freeze. Yes China is the USA from the seventies. They are making gas guzzling muscle cars over there and they put us to shame. We however who live in NY are the greenest city in the world right now and places in South america have completly switched to Ethonal, and use no oil at all. We could do this as well, but then there wouldn't behand outs for politicians.
The caveman who discovered fire was the start of it all... lol

All I can ask is this...
"Did Gahd put the dinosaur bones in the ground just for us to find, or did giant reptile actually walk the Earth?" The answer may very well be the answer or failure of your ideas on the process.
I agree with You however on the tucan thing. Adaption is the heart of evolution.
There is a gahd... it's called gravity. That is what created life on this planet. If there is a grand creator of everything, it is from another galxy far far away from a very long time ago... lol
Creationism, intellegent design, evelutionary teorist, all a crock of bull in my mind. I have looked at the facts and they don't say that anyone created anything.
We were once one celled, than two than four... ect... ect... ect... than we were fish, than rats, than marcupials, than monkies, than cro-magnon man, than homo-sapiens, than (now) homo-supiriors. and soon we will all be monkies again. We as a race are de-evelutionising (is that a word?) now, Our stupidest people breed like austrailian rabbits and Our smartest don't have time to do the deed and therefor breed much slower. Eventually the dumb will rule and the smart will perish.
If you haven't seen Idiocracy... checkm it out... lol
This is the reason I stay away from Storiesofthelost.blogspot... because I do not want to make enemies of the friends I have made through these other blogs and sites. I am sorry if my thoughts upset you, but I am entiteled to my opinion, and this is it.

What you guys should have talked about was the Stupidest Miss Teen America ever. The Bobble head could not even make a coherent sentence. Ozzy Ozbourne makes more sense than that girl.

Once again I have to ask.... Do you even read this thing guys... you never respond and when you do, you don't even know what was said in the previous posts. It's your Podcast... take some pride and let the listeners who do not have the ability to be on air with you, know that you actually pay attention.

C-ya, Namaste, and go with yourself,

Joseph Finchum said...

I guess not, Why even have this place to post comments and exchange Ideas if the only place you will exchange your ideas is on the live podcast...

Sorry, but it seems futile to even try.