Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Episode 24

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The Fall TV Challenge

The Simpsons


The Topics:

David's Topics

1. Does the Campus Store sell ammo?

2.Is Your Store Naughty or Nice?

Steve's Topics

1) Tofurkey? Does this annoy you as much as it annoys me?

2) Do you love a parade?

3) What are you thankful for?

4) Warning: Sesame Street May Be Unsuitable For Kids

5) Are you a toelicker? I can't believe I even asked that question!

JMil's Topics

1. Geriatric Superman? How long can this go on?!

1 comment:

Joseph Finchum said...

Hey guys,

I first have to say that I do watch the simpsons and I have ever since the TUS was on and I have to say I agree that they were getting a little off track the last couple of years, but they have been getting better and the movie really saved them.

Journeyman is a great show. I have seen them all and love the fact that they are taking their time for the reveal of why or how he is traveling through time. The addition of the strange scientist guy was very intriuging. Dan calls a scientist in normal time and then the guy calls him back in the past, when Dan realizes this, the guy hangs up, then back in normal time he gets a call from him again, but the guy is sketchy and doesn't give up too much too soon.
Plus the ex-girlfriend you find out that she is actually from 1948, which is really strange. She is jumping forward in order to fix things in her future, when she jumped once and lost track of her target (to help) she was stuck there. Met Dan and started to date him, they were going to get married and then she all of a suddon jumps back to her own time again just before the plane crashed. It is very good and I think everyone should watch it! (in order)

The comicbook thing is also intriuging to me. People always ask why isn't Spiderman 50 years old. I have the answer... and it is simple. You can only base comic book age on one series. Yes there is Spectacular Spiderman, Amazing Spiderman, and Tales of Spiderman You only calculate the age based on the longest running series or simply the origin date.
Now how long has Spiderman been around. I think (I could be wrong) that Amazing Fantasy 15 (first appearence of Spiderman) was released in 1963, That would be 45 years since his creation. SO you now have to take into account that there are only twelve comics a year, The average length of a comic ook in sence of global time is .75 of a day (given the concept of arcs that last two to three comics lasting only one day), multiply that by the twelve comics and you have 9 days a year, multiply that by the the 45 years Spiderman has been around and you really only have 405 days. Thats less than two years, so they are actually aging faster in comics than they technically shoud, so the real question is

Why are they ageing so fast???... lol

Tofurkey is a joke. It is a mean trick that a meat eater somewhere is profitting off of this crap and thinking I am a genius.

Christmas is so out of control, a guy two blocks from me put up Christmas decorations the day after Halloween. I wish the best to the Christmas Nazi's and hope they squash it a little. I love Christmas but think it is a little too big for its own Britches. I have gotten into arguments with friends about the wrongness of Black and Hispanic and Chinese Santas. I disagree with this fully. Santa Claus is based on a real person He was dutch and very white. I am not being racist in this argument only logical. If someone went out tomorrow and said Shakespere was actually Ancient American, people would go crazy, but changing the cultural background of a historic figure to make you connect with a holiday That promotes nothing but greed any more is appauling.

Thats my time, see you around.